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Exploring the Word of the Day 🌟 Embracing Wisdom 🌟 sheds light on the disparities in knowledge and wisdom between those immersed in worldly affairs and those aligned with spiritual values. It prompts reflection on whether parallels can be drawn between the material and the spiritual realms, and if spiritual growth can be measured against worldly benchmarks such as financial prowess, technological advancements, social skills, occupational success, environmental consciousness, and physical well-being. It’s evident that individuals embracing spiritual values may find themselves trailing behind in these worldly metrics. In the parable Luke 16:8, Jesus commended the unjust steward for his shrewdness, highlighting how worldly wisdom can sometimes surpass spiritual insight to put it mildly. But why the contrast? it’s because the sons of this world often draw from diverse perspectives, fostering adaptability, resilience, and in many instances draw up a collective framework to achieve their goals and hope for a better tomorrow.


In Isaiah chapter 62, God promises to shine His light in the hearts of His people, typified as Zion and Jerusalem. He expects the light to burn in their hearts, ensuring a strong compassion and longing for knowledge of Jesus Christ’s glory. This divine flame is not limited to natural education, but should be lived by every word revealed by the Lord himself. By doing so, we can reverse the trajectory of the children of this world becoming wiser than the children of the Kingdom.

The Divine Flame is a divine revelation from Christ that purifies believers. It is ignited by the revelation of his word in Abad, where the house of Jacob and Joseph are referred to as a fire. This flame is a place where believers are purified and ordained to declare messages and become the mouthpiece of God for their generation. By embracing this flame, believers can drive change within themselves and the world, igniting new truths and revelations relevant to their generation.

In Isaiah 52 verse 8, the text refers to the concept of Watchmen being able to see eye to eye with God. The Watch being referred to are prophets, who spoke through God to create a generation of people who would lift up God’s voice and sing together.

The spiritual community in Christ, who love God with all their hearts, minds, and strength, must understand the message prophesied by Isaiah in chapter 54. He urged them to expand their tent, allowing the word of the Lord to dwell in them. This message is relevant today, as Jesus is the center of worship, as he holds all treasures of knowledge and wisdom. Jesus is the framework of all ages, and we can establish what God wants us to do in our lives and worship him without limitations.

The text emphasizes the importance of moving from the “milk of the word” to “strong meat” of the word, which includes doing the will of Jesus Christ. This involves moving from the basic principles of the teachings of Christ, such as repentance, faith, baptism, resurrection, and eternal judgment, to a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit and restructuring the whole house of God. By moving beyond this, we can advance the spirituality of the good news and establish the kingdom.

It is God’s wisdom to distinguish between routine emphasis and teachings that do not carry the light life of God. The text suggests that embracing the living bread of Jesus, who is the bread of life, is essential for understanding living works.

The building of the sanctuary was not just for the Lord to dwell among his people, but also for the idea of fellowship between the Lord and his people. It is crucial for each builder to recognize the set pattern for everyone and to have a common vision and mission to build a sanctuary that reflects the whole body of Christ.Â