Phone: +441908467994 / +441908417359



Building Spiritual Support Network 

  • Via HFS International Vision framework.
  • Prophetic Direction on the single vision.
  • Supporting Community Churches
  • Regeneration of the evangelistic grace among the ‘called out’
  • Regeneration of the unsaved.
  • Reaching out to those who were once in church but no longer, the lost sheep, lost coin & the prodigal son.
  • Planting Home Fellowship churches.
  • Supporting and encouraging the development of Home fellowship Churches.
  • Supporting and encouraging the development of community churches in public spaces.
  • Supporting and encouraging the development of the Church in the name of the cities, nations, continents and the world as One Kingdom.
  • Building community knowledge of the Good News about the local environment & the existence of BSSN with associates.
  • Supporting a ministry of helps or similar – and supporting ministries.

Spiritual Formation

We provide opportunities for spiritual growth and development through various initiatives such as retreats, pilot programmes, and online resources. Our aim is to encourage individuals to deepen their understanding of Scripture, develop their prayer life, and cultivate a vibrant relationship with God alongside others of the same faith-based knowledge.

Community Engagement

We believe that Christians are called to impact the world around them. BSSN encourages community church initiatives by creating a movement that can evolve into an organism with organisational structure for outreach programs, volunteering opportunities, job creation and partnerships    with other local churches and organizations. Together, we strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus, sharing His love and compassion with those in need.

Discipleship and Mentoring

We recognize the importance of mentorship and discipleship in the Christian journey. Through our network, we facilitate connections between seasoned believers and those seeking guidance. Our mentorship programs offer a platform for individuals to grow in their faith, receive counsel, and be equipped to mentor others in turn.