BSSN Foundation

Phone: +441908467994 / +441908417359


Membership Types

Disciple of Jesus

Associate Membership

It is important to read about the basic information on ‘First Step’ page, the Basis for Church Membership, Who is a believer and Entrance Requirements for Membership in light of the BSSN International purpose, the terms and conditions of using this website, and what constitutes an ‘Associate Member’ and a Full Member’.

By doing so, you can see an enlarged version of the definitions of Associate Member and Full Member.


The Birth of the Believer in Christ, the Birth of the Church – the basis for Associate Membership & Full Membership of the Church of the First-Born registered in Heaven. These, provides an enormous opprtunity to form authentic relationship with the many followers of Christ in the whole world.


Being part of a family, household, group, or community shapes one’s identity.


In the world and in the current church arrangements, people join groups as a normal part of human activity. Of course, they interact with people with similar values and interests. This is to reflect on who they are momentarily or permanently,  what they represent and what they are standing up for..


Most Christian believers’s identity have already been shaped and formed or are in the process of being shaped by the choices and decisions made according to the the level of spiritual awareness in the places of worship and membership.


It is important to note that spiritual identity in Christ and membership cannot be obtained by flesh and blood decisions, choices, or the carnal will of man or claiming to be Born Again in a norminal way.

Spiritual idenity and membership is derived from the work of the Holy Spirit creating, sufficeint awareness on the aforementioned including the foundational teachings of Christ – Hebrews 6:1-2, helping belivers to identify the truths about Christ in personal life and Christ in others. 

Basic Definition of the Church and Associate Membership of the BSSN Community Church:

In John 6:44, Matthew 16:18, 1 Corinthians 12:13 along with other relevant scriptures on this subject clearly reveal the birth-stages of the ‘called out ones’ also, known as the church and also, explain the different stages of her spiritual growth and identity as the spiritual body and bride of Christ. The Spiritual Body of Christ is one, and has many members and all the members of that one body constitutes the church as the local temple.

This means, the whole Body of Christ functioning with a common vision and common mission is bigger than its parts especially, where there is a recognition of one another, living in one accord and responding to the scriptures for inspiration of each and every member staying under the discipline of the teachings, the reproof, correction and instructuctions.

In general terms, heavenly Love forms the basis of  entering into a meaningful vertical relationship with God:


To begin with the God-kind of LOVE shared abroad by the Holy Spirit in the heart of those without faith as well as those with the faith of the LORD Jesus Christ; it is important to observe or look inward to see if the seed of divine love, the love for truth has been planted in your heart. If so, you have been given an initial entrance into Christ and this is the minimum entry requirement to the things of the Spirit. This is to help, support and guide you into the truths about  fellowship with God and forming a meaningful relationship with God.


When the love of God has been fully tested by God in you and found to be intentional, purposeful with marks of divine identity then, you’re able to reflect the love of God as the fruit of the Spirit in those things that belong to God in your neighbour’s life, family, household and community. 


  • Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ – Matthew 22:37.
  • And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” – Mark 12:31.


In specific terms, following the nature and character of heavenly Love, this also,  forms the the basis of a meaningful, purposeful horizontal relationship with fellow members.


In Person Meeting:


  • Those who do not know the LORD Jesus Christ and would like to know him. 


  • Anyone who is genuinely born again or a new born baby in Christ but has no commitment to a local church on a regular basis.


  • Our ministry is open to anyone in Christ who accepts the views expressed on our website and can contribute towards the bigger picture.

Membership Types


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Aliquam hendrerit porttitor ex vitae feugiat. Integer placerat augue sit amet nibh porttitor blandit. Morbi porta malesuada ligula eget efficitur. Etiam non velit nec lacus tempor tempor. Duis pretium, massa non porttitor mollis, ante lacus vestibulum magna, in bibendum odio orci non leo.

Disciple of Jesus

Aliquam hendrerit porttitor ex vitae feugiat. Integer placerat augue sit amet nibh porttitor blandit. Morbi porta malesuada ligula eget efficitur. Etiam non velit nec lacus tempor tempor. Duis pretium, massa non porttitor mollis, ante lacus vestibulum magna, in bibendum odio orci non leo.

Upcoming Membership Classes

Membership Process

Morbi porta malesuada ligula eget efficitur. Etiam non velit nec lacus tempor tempor. Duis pretium, massa non porttitor mollis.