Welcome to Home Fellowship System International - The church in the Home of your Heart in your natural habitat - John 14:23
Walking towards the single vision – IMMORTALITY.

HFS International welcomes you to a new and living way of worship with practical knowledge, advice, and support that we are building for people of genuine faith in Christ and those without faith, and helping believers to understand the necessity to walk in the single vision of IMMORTALITY instead of each church following the particularities of her own vision, identity and values.
HFS International – along with recognised partners on this website – is your home for a spiritual journey towards achieving the immortality our Lord Jesus Christ promised the believers as he walked on earth and showed the world His divine origin by many infallible proofs. As the LORD abolished spiritual death through the light of the Good News, the HFS International leadership believes it is our devotional duty of care to bring as many people as possible to the five- fold ministry gifts (graces) operating and building one local church together in every city with a single vision of immortality and not one man led local vision-ministry. So, we can pursue and enter into the collective experience of an established kingdom of heaven on earth and Immortality.

Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:26) He left all of us to choose for ourselves – our own souls – and HFS International is working day and night to help more and more people not only become deserving of this spiritual immortality but also become agents of this divine transformation in the lives of others who are your neigbours.
When you become an associate member and full member you become part of the HFS family and most of all become part of the universal Body of Christ. You fully learn the purpose of Divine Order, the powerful Transitional Transformation, and uncover the secrets to how we can establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
Let’s do it together. Let’s give our souls the immortality they yearn for and help others achieve this as well.